bone marrow REGISTER
Anyone aged 18-45 and in good health can join the bone marrow donor register by scanning the QR code.
Use your phone to scan the white one if you live in the UK.
And scan the green one if you live in Republic of Ireland.
Join the Bone Marrow Register (UK)…
Anyone aged 18-45 and in good health can join the bone marrow donor register. As a blood donor, you already provide a vital service to patients who need blood, and by registering with the British Bone Marrow Registry (BBMR) you could help people even further.
Join the Bone Marrow Register (Republic of Ireland)…
For more than 80 diseases and disorders, a stem cell transplant can be a treatment option. The Irish Unrelated Bone Marrow Registry is determined to help patients find a life-saving unrelated donor. Every person who registers gives a patient in need a better chance of finding their life-saving match.
Anyone aged between 17 and 55 years old and in general good health can join the register